ollie7.com.au – reno



On the one hand fashions change, technology changes, tastes change and life moves on. Much of the site for ollie7 has been a movement towards minimisation in order that the photos might speak. 

This is probably the third major re-wrote for the site and we are using different technology to help us achieve those aims.

The front page delivers in a block the last 8 images that ollie has uploaded to instagram. This allows her to quick add something from her phone from the current project and basically the whole process can be less than two minutes for take to shot to it being on the website, all done from the phone.

The exhibitions are displayed using a gallery, and there is an updatable random slider on the home page displayed as a grid on the images page.

The text on the homepage is held within the accordion for the user to click and read, however life all photographers, they draw with light. 


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